This is a good introduction to summer from summer to autumn.
It is not a white bamboo but a calm and slightly colored bamboo, which is water. Compared with general cedars, there is a gap between bamboo and bamboo, so the viewer has a cool feeling, so it can be used from early summer to autumn. The place that makes me feel cool from my sight is a unique sense of Japan.
It is possible to feel the season by putting on it some of the traditional seasonal sense of Japan such as strips, decorative fan, hanging flower vases and flowers. It is one of the iconic furniture of Japanese culture. You can decorate in various places such as between the floor and the entrance, rooms and corridors.
Please note that bamboo products may break naturally depending on your environment due to their nature.
它不是白色的竹子,而是一種平靜而略帶顏色的竹子,這是水。 與普通雪松相比,竹與竹之間存在差距,因此觀賞者感覺涼爽,因此可以從初夏到秋季使用。 讓我感覺涼爽的地方是一種獨特的日本感。
可以通過一些傳統的日本季節感,如條狀,裝飾扇,懸掛花瓶和鮮花來感受季節。 它是日本文化的標誌性家具之一。 您可以在各種地方進行裝飾,例如地板和入口,房間和走廊之間。
它不是白色的竹子,而是一种平静而略带颜色的竹子,这是水。 与普通雪松相比,竹与竹之间存在差距,因此观赏者感觉凉爽,因此可以从初夏到秋季使用。 让我感觉凉爽的地方是一种独特的日本感。
可以通过一些传统的日本季节感,如条状,装饰扇,悬挂花瓶和鲜花来感受季节。 它是日本文化的标志性家具之一。 您可以在各种地方进行装饰,例如地板和入口,房间和走廊之间。