33.5㎝ × 28.3㎝ × 高さ 6.5㎝
和紙製 柿渋 うるし塗
Kiso-nuri Ikkanbari Document Box – Urushi Lacquer Finish
Introducing an Ikkanbari document box from Kiso-nuri lacquerware.
Ikkanbari is a traditional lacquerware technique in which layers of washi (Japanese paper) are applied and reinforced with lacquer to create a sturdy yet lightweight structure. This method produces a uniquely textured, handcrafted appearance that is both durable and aesthetically rich.
The technique is named after Hirai Ikkan, who pioneered this craft in the early Edo period.
This document box is crafted by layering washi over thick paperboard, coating it with persimmon tannin (kakishibu), and finishing it with a direct application of urushi lacquer.
Made from high-quality washi derived from kōzo (mulberry) and mitsumata fibers, this piece is meticulously lacquered using pure raw lacquer (ki-urushi), without any adhesives. As a result, it achieves a finish comparable to that of solid lacquerware, making it a truly premium item.
The natural texture of the washi, combined with the deep hues of kakishibu and urushi, creates a refined and elegant aesthetic.
Due to the multiple layers of different materials, subtle variations in texture, such as slight irregularities or color gradations, naturally occur, serving as a testament to its handmade craftsmanship.
With ample space to accommodate A4-sized documents comfortably, this document box is both practical and convenient for everyday use.
Since washi is used in its construction, avoid washing it with water. Instead, gently wipe the surface with a damp cloth for cleaning.
33.5 cm × 28.3 cm × Height 6.5 cm
Material: Washi, Kakishibu (Persimmon Tannin), Urushi Lacquer Finish
木曾漆器 一閑张 文库 漆器
一閑张 是漆工艺的一种,以和纸多层粘贴并涂漆制成胎体的漆器。
此技艺由江户时代初期的 飞来一閑(ひらい いっかん) 创立,因此得名“一閑张”。
采用纯日本和纸,如 楮(こうぞ)、三椏(みつまた) 等优质纸张,不使用任何糊剂,仅凭天然生漆一层层粘合,因此最终质地坚硬,几乎可媲美传统木胎漆器,是极具高级感的作品。
尺寸足够容纳 A4 文件,实用性极强,便于日常使用。
尺寸:33.5cm × 28.3cm × 高度 6.5cm