口径 8.5cm 胴径 10cm 高さ 21.5cm
Bizen Ware Sangiri Gabutsu Ear-Handled Flower Vase
We are pleased to introduce a Bizen ware Sangiri Gabutsu ear-handled flower vase.
Bizen ware is a type of pottery produced in and around Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture. It is made using a high-temperature oxidation firing technique, without any glaze, allowing one to appreciate the natural texture of the clay itself.
Due to the unique properties of the clay, Bizen ware is known for its practical benefits. For example, when used as a flower vase, it helps keep the water fresh for longer, making flowers last longer. Similarly, when used as a teacup, it is said to mellow the tas
This particular flower vase features a firing technique known as Sangiri, whSangiri effect occurs
The term Gabutsu re
The body of the vase has a cylindrical shape with a slight roundness. Below the mouth, the form narrows before expanding again, where the ear-like handles ar
The mouth features a slightly flared rim, balancing the overall form. The body, while circular in shape, is subtly indented with a spatula along its vertical surface, adding visual interest and variation.
Overall, the refined yet rustic aesthetic makes this vase well-suited for displaying wabi-style tea flowers in a traditional alcove (tokonoma) or other settings associated with the Japanese tea ceremony.
Mouth diameter: 8.5 cm
Body diameter: 10 cm
Height: 21.5 cm
備前烧 桟切雅物带耳花入
为您介绍一款 备前烧 桟切雅物带耳花入。
备前烧 是产自日本冈山县备前市周边地区的陶器,以 完全不使用釉药,采用 氧化焰烧成 方式烧制而成,经过高温烧结后形成坚硬质感,可以充分感受到陶土本身的自然韵味。
由于备前烧的土质特性,用于 花器 时可 防止水质腐败,使花朵保持更长时间的新鲜;用于 茶杯、茶壶 时,能够 使水或茶的口感更加醇和。
此款花入采用了 桟切(さんぎり) 的烧成技法,呈现出 独特而深沉的变化纹理,极具韵味。
“桟切”是指在烧制过程中,陶器被燃尽的松木灰覆盖,空气流通受到阻碍,从而产生 熏烧效果,最终形成自然的 窑变纹理。
“雅物(がぶつ)”指的是采用 较为粗犷的陶土 制作,因此搭配窑变的色彩效果,整体呈现出 朴拙而富有野趣 的风格。
此花入的瓶身为直筒形,但略带弧度,在瓶口下方有一处收束,并在此处附有 对称的双耳。瓶口带有 外翻边缘,开口较大,使整体造型更加 均衡协调。
此外,瓶身虽为圆形,但表面经过 木铲刻划出竖向凹槽,增添了造型的变化与层次感。
整体而言,这款花器沉稳雅致,尤其适合在 茶道空间或床之间(とこのま) 中 插饰简约而富有禅意的茶花,展现出 和谐美感与幽玄意境。