口径 7.5cm 高さ 24.5cm
Bizen Ware Gabutsu Hand-Pail Shaped Flower Vase
We are pleased to introduce a hand-pail shaped flower vase from Bizen ware.
Bizen ware is a type of pottery produced in and around Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture. It is fired at high temperatures using an oxidation flame technique without any glaze, allowing one to appreciate the natural texture and character of the clay itself.
Due to the unique properties of Bizen clay, it is said that flower vases help keep water fresh for longer, making flowers last longer, while tea cups and other drinking vessels enhance the smoothness of water and tea.
This flower vase features a firing effect known as Goma (Sesame Ash Effect).
Goma occurs when pinewood ash, used as fuel during firing, adheres to the surface of the piece and melts, creating a glaze-like texture resembling scattered sesame seeds.
The term Gabutsu refers to the use of coarse clay, which, combined with natural kiln transformations, gives the piece a slightly rugged and dynamic appearance.
This flower vase has a cylindrical shape, with a compact diameter, making it a sleek and elegant vessel for arranging a small number of flowers.
Its understated yet refined aesthetic makes it well-suited for wabi-style tea flowers in a tokonoma (alcove) for tea ceremonies, as well as for everyday home use.
Mouth Diameter: 7.5 cm
Height: 24.5 cm
备前烧 雅物 手桶形花入
为您介绍 备前烧 手桶形花入。
备前烧 是产自 日本冈山县备前市周边地区 的陶器,
采用 完全不使用釉药,以 氧化焰烧成 方式烧制,
经过高温烧结,使其坚硬致密,能 充分展现陶土本身的质感与韵味。
若用于 茶器,则能 使水或茶的口感更加醇和顺滑。
此款花入采用 “胡麻(ごま)”烧成技法。
在烧制过程中,燃料——松木劈柴的灰烬 会自然落在器物表面,
受高温熔融后形成如 撒胡麻般的自然釉斑,呈现出 独特的纹理变化。
“雅物(がぶつ)”是指使用 较为粗糙的陶土 制作,
搭配 窑变的色彩效果,使器物呈现 素朴且略带粗犷的美感。
此花入呈 小口直筒形,外形紧凑简约,适合 插少量花枝,
是一款 造型优雅、适用于精致插花的花器。
无论是用于 茶道空间(床の間)插饰侘寂风格的茶花,
还是 日常家居使用,都能营造出 沉稳雅致的氛围。