径 15cm 高さ 7cm
木製 うるし塗り
Sanuki Lacquerware – Hand-Carved Wooden Lidded Bowl (Confectionery Dish) – “Hinode” Zokoku-nuri – 15 cm
We are pleased to introduce a hand-carved wooden lidded bowl (confectionery dish) from Sanuki lacquerware.
This piece is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, who carve the wood by hand using chisels, shaping it from a single block. Natural Japanese lacquer (urushi) is then applied and repeatedly layered to achieve its refined finish.
What is Zokoku-nuri?
The name “Zokoku-nuri” originates from Tamakaji Zokoku, the founder of Kagawa lacquerware.
The process begins with turning the wood on a lathe, followed by applying a sealing base coat. Raw lacquer is then brushed on multiple times. A unique feature of Zokoku-nuri is the use of makomo, a type of perennial grass that grows in clusters along riverbanks and ponds. The inner fibers of the makomo stalks are sprinkled over the lacquered surface before additional layers of lacquer are applied, creating a distinct texture and depth.
Over time, the lacquer develops a natural sheen and rich patina, enhancing its refined, understated beauty.
Zokoku-nuri is highly durable and designed for everyday use. The intentional chisel marks add a rustic, handcrafted texture, showcasing the immense skill and effort involved in its creation.
The chisel marks also help conceal scratches and provide a natural anti-slip grip, making the bowl comfortable to hold—qualities that can only be achieved through true handcraftsmanship.
With its exceptional durability, this piece is built for long-term use.
This compact lidded bowl is versatile—it can be used as a confectionery dish or for serving rice, side dishes, and other foods.
The lid features a vermilion circle, reminiscent of a rising sun (Hinode), adding a stylish accent to the design.
The interior of the bowl, the underside of the lid, and the bottom surface are finished with a wiped-lacquer technique (suri-urushi), allowing the natural wood grain to remain visible, enhancing its organic beauty.
Diameter: 15 cm
Height: 7 cm
Material: Wood
Finish: Lacquer (Urushi)
讃岐涂 木制雕刻带盖钵(点心器) 日出 象谷涂 15cm
为您介绍 讃岐涂(さぬきぬり)木制雕刻带盖钵(点心器)。
本器由熟练的工匠 以凿刀一刀一刀雕刻 而成,
以 整木雕刻 为素地,反复涂刷 天然生漆,
“象谷涂” 这一名称,来源于 香川漆艺的创始人——玉楮象谷(たまかじ ぞうこく)。
制作过程采用 车床加工木胎,
然后 多次以刷子涂抹生漆,
并撒上生长于河畔或池塘中的 禾本科多年生植物——真菰(まこも) 细粉,
随着长时间的使用,漆器表面会逐渐显现出 温润光泽与独特的阴影变化,
象谷涂漆器 极其坚固耐用,可 适用于日常生活的各类场景。
器物表面 特意保留了雕刻刀痕,展现出 质朴自然的手工质感,
这一工艺不仅 极其耗费工时,更需 卓越的技艺 才能完成。
此外,这种 独特的凿刻纹理 让 划痕不易显眼,
同时也能 起到防滑效果,使器物更贴合手感,
展现出 手工艺品特有的温润触感。
其出色的 耐久性 亦可确保长久使用,陪伴岁月流转。
此款 小巧的带盖钵,
可用于 点心器,亦可盛放 米饭或各类料理。
如同 旭日东升,成为整器的点睛之笔。
器身、盖子的内侧及底部均采用 擦漆工艺(すり漆),
展现出 天然木纹,使您能 尽享木质器物的温润质感。